Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 77: The Short of It

"Great shoes." That's all there is to say about this sassy number.

So, tomorrow is finally here. After today, there's only one more outfit, one more post, and one more reflective piece on a damn good show and all the issues it brings up.

Since I have to get up at 4:30, I'm headed to bed early tonight. Gotta save my energy for an exciting evening. Plus, I'm very tired. I spent most of the day preparing music for the recital, doing laundry and other mundane tasks, and applying to an Assistant Manager position for our store's men's and kids department. My manager came up to me the other day, quite out of the blue, and told me to apply. She said it was a quick move, but she thought I was ready.

48 hours later, my application is out of my hands and into my potential future manager's. I don't know if I'll get the position, don't know if I'll like it, and don't know where it's going to take me. I never thought I'd be working retail. I thought I would have a great job by now that paid more than enough to shop and travel the world. Or at least I would be in grad school on my way to that great job. I've always been big on dreams and short on plans. But maybe I'm getting there still--just not in the way I imagined. I'll find out. And I suppose it could be worse than getting to shop all day, even if you're building someone else's closet instead of yours.

I'm not going to write about the movie much. It's a lot of glitz and drama, not all of it good or bad. Quick overview, though. Carrie and Big decide to get married, and Carrie gets wrapped up in all the details of wedding planning much to dismay of Big (or, should I say, John?). On the big day, he leaves her waiting at the wedding site, saying he can't go through with it. When he tries to change his mind, she beats him with flowers. Flash forward five months of Carrie ignoring his advances and existence, dying her hair auburn, hiring an assistant, remodeling her house, and generally trying to pull herself together. Carrie sees a secret inbox of hundreds of love letters from Big, something her assistant had kept from her (but never deleted) per her request not to hear anything about him. Eventually, the couple reunites in a moving scene that takes place in the huge closet Big built for Carrie. He asks her to marry him, and the two tie the knot in a private, civil ceremony.

Charlotte's adopted daughter, Lily, is growing up. Unexpectedly, Charlotte gets pregnant and has another baby girl, Rose. Samantha has moved to L. A. to live with Smith, but she's tiring of it. His career and social circle is growing while hers is shrinking. In the end, she says a peaceful but difficult goodbye to Smith and moves back to where she's most comfortable, New York City. Miranda and Steve's married life is void of sex. When Steve sleeps with another woman, Miranda vows never to forgive him and moves out. Eventually, after a miserable six months, she decides they can try therapy and the couple gets back together, forgetting about the past.

Okay, it must be said that this movie is the length of six episodes. I am feeling overwhelmed. It also must be said that the writers of said movie have included as many plot twists, cliches, crazy fashion, poignant moments, and heavy topics as is humanly possible. So I'm not going to write about any of it. I am going to go to bed. It's where I belong right now, second-to-last post or not.

I hope you'll be back. I will. But even more than that, I hope you'll be watching the movie with me tomorrow or, if not, just enjoying life. After all, it's what the girls would want.

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