I have figured out how to put this whole blog thing together. First, I will try to watch one episode of Sex and the City a day, and I will use this space to reflect on it and talk about fashion, obsession, and love. All while indulging one of my biggest obsessions! It's perfect! This gives focus to the writing but also keeps me from watching too many episodes in one day. The bonus is that while I'm in a new city with no friends (I think if I keep saying this it will hit home and make me more social), the show will tide me over with TV friends so I don't go insane. Don't judge, people.
So...94 episodes. Plus the movie (and by the time I'm done probably the sequel to the movie, which comes out in March or May I think). That should keep me busy for a while.
Since I'm already half-way through the first season (for the second time, of course), I will need to start over. I will start tomorrow or tonight. Procrastinating on day 2, not good.
In other news, I have a job interview today. Last week's was at Starbucks. The whole thing went fine right up until the guy who interviewed me (we'll call him Joe) asked me all chipper-like why I wanted to work at Starbucks. I told him I thought I would be good at it, and that I like coffee. Lame-oh. But the truth was that I was humiliated at the thought of working there. You see, part of the problem of higher education and graduating at the top of your class is that it instills in you a mighty strong ego and sense that you can do anything you want to. So why are you working at Starbucks? That is not why you took out $5,000 in student loans (and I consider myself lucky with only that much). That is not why you've been eating Cup of Noodles for 4 years or getting only 6 hours of sleep a night. No, it all should have amounted to much more. But it didn't. That's what I didn't tell Joe. Yep, you graduate with PRIDE. And pride's a bitch.
So, my interview is at the best bridal dress boutique in Denver. Miraculously, I got the interview the same way I got an interview at the best wedding cake shop in Seattle. Cold calling. It goes like this. I think of something that would be fun, a job where I wouldn't want to shoot myself after a day of doing it, and I call all the places in town that do that. First on my list was wedding dress shops.
I guess there's a special bond between me and the wedding industry. Weddings seem so special and beautiful. All that pent-up anxiety the bride experiences (pent-up, because you can't punch anyone, and you are supposed to be deliriously happy all of the time on account of the fact that you're getting married) culminates into a day where people are looking their best and changing their lives hopefully for the better. Or maybe I'm drawn to the wedding biz because of my own quite copious experience. I'm still trying to sell my unworn dress from last year. I've already half-planned two ceremonies and made monumental cakes for two of my friends' nuptials. Whatever the reason (and I'm not saying it's healthy), I'm nervous for this interview.
I don't know what I'm going to wear. Casual skirt and belted cardigan with boots or professional-looking sheath dress and scarf with heels? Curly hair or straight? I just got cute new fish-scalely tan flats yesterday from All Black. Maybe I'll wear those. I love that label. After two years of searching for the perfect black flats (not non-stop of course), I finally found All Black's version at endless.com. Quilted patterned, professional but fun, shiny goodness. So I ordered them in my usual size 9, and when they came I nearly had an orgasm taking them out of the box. I tried them on, and much to my dismay, they felt like a size 8. Damn. No problem, I thought, I'll just order a size up. But they were now completely sold out. Double damn. So I got on the waiting list. I knew I had to give the 9s up, but they were so perfectly shaped to my foot, so light to walk on, and so mesmerizing (albeit too small), I had a hard time laying them back in their box. But I did.
Gotta go shower. I just realized I didn't talk about love, but I will save that for my first Sex and the City review. Oh this will be fun! Hope you'll be back, I will.
I am back, and loving every minute of it!